Flopping a flush against an aggressive player

When I first started playing poker online I couldn't understand what a HuD was or why I might ever want one. Over time I was persuaded and invested in PokerTracker and now find that it can help me follow a game.  Added to this of course is that the statistics are there staring me in the face if I try and convince myself that I am winning if I'm not really winning at all.

This hand was a great example of why a HuD is valuable in online poker.

I'd been sat at the table only a very short amount of time and this villain seemed to be super aggressive.  He'd been 3 betting a lot and defended his blinds endlessly.  I started taking a bit of interest. Over 50 hands in this session he had 3 bet 20% of them (I know that 50 hands is nothing) but my notes told me that he had 3 bet with T8s, 32s and had called with 98s all from the blinds.  He also relentlessly made a continuation bet following his 3 bet.

So in an unraised pot on the button and holding T7s I wanted to see how he would react to a raise when he was on the button.  Of course he 3 bet.  Now I would always usually fold T7s but against this opponent and on the button I couldn't help myself.  The flop was a dream, as you can see.


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