Raising pre-flop with pocket queens is a given. When the limper calls your raise what do you know about his range? should you bet the flop when a king hits the flop? how would you play this hand
Reading and studying poker either online, reading forums, talking to friends or reading books always leads to different tips and tricks. Deciphering which tips you are going to employ in your play takes time. Whenever I ask a question about a hand I have played almost always the response is 'it depends' and then questions are asked about stack sizes, player behaviour, position, number of callers, number of limpers, history of the players, table image. All of these are of course relevant questions and when developing as a poker player more and more I am able to ask myself these questions and consider how I want to play the hand. Being able to do this consistently of course is key and still something that I want to develop in my game. Probably the one piece of advice that sticks with me however is one that I read in one of the Harrington on Holdem books. If you haven't read any of these they should definitely be part of your library. Harrington has bo...
So in this hand I am happy with the play preflop and flop. The flop is pretty good I think since I will get calls from lower pairs and flush draws. Betting the turn seems a good move too when the Jd hits. The flush draw is still there, but weaker, and no overcards. I am still going to bet out looking for value from lower pairs and charging the draws. I am sure that if the button has hit a set he would be raising the flop and if he hasn't done that he would almost certainly be raising the turn. He doesn't so I think that I am still good. Then the river card comes. The cooler. There is a big question as to whether the villain has got right the way to the river with just an over card, or possibly A2, A4, A8 or AJ I suppose. Of course he might need to bluff the river with a busted flush draw. So I check on the river and see what he does..and he shoves. Should I call or fold? PokerStars - $0.02 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players Hand conve...
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